We are looking for kids singers in the UK!
Are you English speaking, living in the UK, between 9-13 years old, Christian and can you sing well?
Then we are looking for you!
Audition now for a chance to sing solo to one of our brand new Make Some Noise Kids songs.

Why this audition?
When new Make Some Noise Kids songs are made, we select children whose voice fits well with the song. Do you want a chance to sing a song in the studio? Send us a singing demo via this form, maybe you’ll be invited to record the studio!
Can I do audition?
You can do audition if these conditions are met:
- You are 9 – 12 years old
- You live in the UK and are able to record in a studio in the London area.
- You are a Christian and want to use your talent for God
Our tips:
- You can choose any song to sing. If you only want to do rap, you can choose a rap song.
- Sing or rap acapella, which means without music. This way we can hear your voice well.
- Have fun and don’t just try to sing the song beautifully. Also try to really experience the lyrics and have fun when you sing.
- Articulate well
- Choose a room where it does not reverberate, the living room is often fine.
Where to send your demo?
When you have recorded your singing video, you can upload it via a platform of your choice. When you upload your video to YouTube, this can be done via the YouTube app (via a smartphone/tablet) or via
NOTE: Make sure the status is NOT set to ‘private’. Then we cannot watch the video. Instead, choose the status: ‘hidden’ or possibly ‘public’. Of course, we will treat the video confidentially and will not share or distribute any video materials.
You can share the link with us in this form.
Good luck and we are very curious! 😉
What and who is Make Some Noise Kids?
Would like to know more about Make Some Noise Kids? Here are a few examples of some of our songs: